Thursday, May 10, 2012


Wow, it's been awhile. I've been keeping busy applying for school and all that happy crap. Last Sunday was our BMQG meeting we exchanged zippered pouches. I was a little worried that mine wouldn't hold up to everyone else's but they loved it and I'm demoing it at our July meeting. Heck, maybe I'll even make it into a tutorial.

I also finally finished my little wristlet made from salvages. I absolutely LOVE it!

We are doing the final round on the round robin then I can FINALLY post those pics. I also have to finish my bee blocks this month. (Can we say busy girl?!?) I better get going I have to head out in search of fabric before I head to work today.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Random update

I haven't had much time to be crafty. However I did manage to get my sewing room presentable for someone to sleep in there over the weekend.

I did manage to make this card for a girl at work who lost her dog. :( She had a rough time. Some people can be so insensitive.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Scrap fun.

I've recently been picking up bag and purse patterns when I find them. These two little wristlets are my first shot at it. :-)

Sunday, March 25, 2012

A day of binding...

Well I spent most the day binding my challenge quilt. It's due at the end of the week. Let's just hope it is loved and I win! (My silly cat wouldn't stay out of the picture.)

Saturday, March 17, 2012


I am finally finished with the top/back for this NY Giants quilt I have been working on. It goes to the quilters today. I will be happy when it is bound and gone!


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

* sigh*

Well it was another BMQG meeting Sunday. Which translates into some last minute sewing. I finished my bee blocks, the round robin and I think that is it. Silly me didn't take a pic of my blocks but here are the ones I got back including the one I made myself. We also exchanged pin cushions. I ran out of time, but one of the other girls had some extra time and lizard litter. So that is also here. I'm going to attempt a cathedral window one I found. Ill post when completed.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Busy little crafter...

Well I have been all over the last few weeks as far as my projects are concerned. A couple weekends ago I made some crayon art. It was fun and easy!

Next time I will paint the canvas before gluing down the crayons.

I also got some awesome new labors on stay for my sewing projects.

I can't wait to use them. However I told myself I HAD to finish my challenge quilt and Manny's quilt before this was even an option. It is getting closer though. I have been rearranging the blocks. It looks great! Here are some pics from the process. I had issues with my makeshift design was so I cleaned off the sewing room bed (finally!) and used that.

I will post the final project after I am done quilting it.

I also made a cute little blanket for a guy at work's new baby girl.

I guess it's time to go. I have to run to the fabric store then head up for my mini vacation at Elk Forge B&B.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Fabric organization

Well, I've been attempting to organize my fabric and craft supplies in between sewing projects. At the moment this is what my Batik box looks like at the moment. Yikes! Time to turn my addiction into something beautiful!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sick Sunday...

Well it was another MQG Sunday! I missed most of the meeting due to running late and still not understanding driving in the greater Baltimore area. Anyway I made a heart block for our little exchange and finished the boarder for our round robin. I love how it turned out. To preserve the element of surprise I am unable to post a picture. However here is my heart block. I modified a pattern I'm using for January's strip club quilt.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Playoff weekend

This is the first weekend I've had completely off in longer than I care to imagine. What do I do but bite off a few too many BIG projects and expect to get them all done. (Luckily my weekends are 4 days, not 2.) Yesterday I cleaned out my hall closet. In said closet there are two HUGE Rubbermaid boxes full of unfinished projects. This box was packed before I left my apartment in Wisconsin JUNE 2009!!! Needless to say there are some things that will be tossed/donated. There were 3-4 cut but not sewn scrub tops, a partially completed Halloween costume, 2 cut out dresses, and 3-4 started quilts. I tackled the easiest thing on the list while watching football yesterday - Scrub tops. Only the one I chose to complete I couldn't find the pocket pieces anywhere!!! So today during my cleaning/organizing adventures I will be attempting to locate the fabric I made it with and pray there is enough left over for pockets! Enough of a break. Must clean more before today's games start. They are the important ones. I want to watch the Ravens loose and the Packers win! GO PACK GO!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Progress... I think!?!

Well... I finished the cookbook and forgot to take pictures. It's in a box, in my trunk, waiting a trip to the post office. I can't believe how behind I am this year and how quickly I became unambitious. This living far away from family has allowed me to become more of a slacker than I already was! I had way too many things that I wanted to get done for the holidays and now I'm down to what HAS to get done.  That includes these stupid baseball shirts my extremely PICKY 16 yr old brother wants. (Can you see why they aren't done yet?!?) And something for my Grandma... I love her dearly and I want it to be perfect thus making it difficult for me to get off my ass and make a decision. Goal for today to atleast finish something and get the two boxes in my trunk on their way to their destination. Cross your fingers for me!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

What a Sunday!

I haven't had a day like this in forever. I didn't work... I just did things that I enjoyed and it was WONDERFUL! I woke up rather early worked on my my center block for the round robin quilt we're doing with the modern quilt guild I'm a part of. I might actually make a whole quilt like this because I loved how it turned out. I can't wait to see the finished product. Too bad it'll be 6 months before that happens. Patience is a virtue I'm attempting to possess... haha!

I also worked on my one word challenge quilt. I drew up my own paper pieced pattern and finished two letters before I had to head to my meeting. I'll work on it this week and post pics when I finally finish. Now to go finish the cookbook I'm making for my sister. 21's hitting her. She wants to be a little domestic, lets hope that replaces some of the drama queen. Anyhow, I'm happy/proud of her and will support this in any way I can. :)